Soal Ujian Sekolah SMK 2022 Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika Kelas 12 Terbaru
Salah satu syarat kelulusan bagi peserta didik adalah mampu melaksanakan ujian sekolah dengan tuntas. Contohnya mampu mengerjakan soal ujian sekolah smk 2022 bahasa inggris dan matematikan kelas 12 terbaru.
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Soal ujian sekolah smk 2022. Foto: Pixabay |
Berikut ini sudah disajikan beberapa contoh soal yang bisa dijadikan referensi bagi bapak/ibu guru dalam menyusun soal ujian sekolah smk 2022. Soal ini disusun berdasarkan kisi-kisi yang sudah saya bagikan di artikel sebelumnya.
1. Woman : What do you think of the movie last night?
A. I find it extremely doubt
B. I just moved here last night
C. Let’s go to the 9.30 show
D. That sounds good
Man : ….
A. Hi, how are you ?
B. It’s okay. I’m fine
C. With pleasure
D. Hello, Vina. How do you do?
Soal Ujian Sekolah SMK 2022 Bahasa Inggris
4. Woman : Would you like some candies?
Man : ….
A. No, thanks. I’m not hungry
B. Thanks, I’d love it
C. Yes, I have some candies
D. I buy some candies
Because of construction work, Park Street Station is closed. All passengers of Park Street Station will have to exit the train at Center Station. Bus service is available at Center Station to carry passengers to Park Street. After existing the station, please line up the curb of the bus. Please avoid crowding. Buses will leave frequently, but there may be some delays because of street traffic. We are sorry to the inconvenience. The station is scheduled to reopen in three weeks. Thank you for your cooperation.
Soal Ujian Sekolah SMK 2022 Bahasa Inggris
Read the text to the following questions for No. 7-8!
Rumah Sakit Umum Kebumen is currently treating patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 (coronavirus). Sadly, we can confirm that some patients who were being cared for at our hospitals, and had tested positive for COVID-19, have died. Our thoughts and condolences are with the families and friends of those patients at this very difficult and distressing time.
The hospital will not be giving out any further information on these patients. The media are asked to respect the wishes of the families, and the interests of staff at the hospital to avoid any disruption to operational services.
7. What does the
announcement tell about?
A. Covid-19 death profile.
B. Respecting the victim.
C. Hospital condolence.
D. Families sadness.
8. The hospital
probably issues the announcement under some considerations, except.....
A. To inform covid-19 danger.
B. To express the condolences.
C. To avoid disruption.
D. To invite crowd.
3 for No. 21-22.
The diagnostic test that uses a nasal swab, known as a molecular PCR test, collects samples of cells and fluids from your respiratory system. It enables the identification of specific genes for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. The specimen is collected using a long nasal swab that is inserted into the passageway between the nose and the back of the throat.
An antibody test, also known as a serology test, is done with a blood sample that may identify past infection of the virus that causes COVID-19. It’s a test that looks for evidence of the body’s immune response to the virus. Antibodies are detected in the blood after an infection. However, with COVID-19, we don’t fully know what the presence of its antibodies means yet.
A. A nasal swab is less effective than an antibody test is.
A. The Covid-19 cannot be diagnosed.
Demikian contoh soal yang sudah kami siapkan untuk membantu bapak/ibu guru dalam menyajikan soal ujian sekolah smk 2022. Lebih lengkapnya, cek link berikut ini.
Soal Ujian Sekolah SMK 2022 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Terbaru
Semoga Bermanfaat.
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